You Deserve
Our 5-Star Rated Outpatient Drug & Alcohol Treatment
Our certified team of psychiatric and medical professionals help our clients not just recover from addiction, but develop life skills through a full spectrum of individualized outpatient care.
Most Private Insurance Plans are Accepted
Our admissions team is here to help. Call now to verify your insurance.
Outpatient Rehab Designed with Success in Mind
We offer varying outpatient substance abuse treatment programs for adults 18 years of age and over. We personalize our addiction treatment services to match each person’s individual needs. The level of care is determined by addiction severity, type and length of use, and most importantly—what’s best for the client to recover successfully.
Best for those who have already completed a detox program. Ideal for anyone who needs long-term, intensive rehab without medical supervision or 24-hour care.
Designed for individuals who are able and willing to commit to a structured outpatient treatment program, which requires regular group attendance, active participation, and random drug/alcohol testing.
Our standard outpatient addiction treatment program is best for those who have completed a more intense program and are looking for ongoing support to stay on track.